Wellbeing is foundational to meeting your academic goals while at McMaster and we are here to help. It is normal to have difficulty with adjustment. Whether you are far away from your home community, or you are feeling alone within the large university campus, or your course work has you feeling overwhelmed and stressed, we want you to know that what you are feeling is valid. In addition to school-related stress, many students may be experiencing other personal and/or mental health struggles during their time here. At Indigenous Student Services, we normalize the difficulties that university life can bring and encourage students to put their wellbeing first.
Indigenous Student Services
- Indigenous Student Services – Mental Health and Wellness Counselling
- Schedule a time to meet with Sarah for individual counselling by emailing thorns4@mcmaster.ca
- Drop-in time Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, LR Wilson Hall, 1811
- Elder-In-Residence Program
- Spiritual and cultural support
- Programs and workshops
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
For a more complete and up to date listing of all of the Health and Wellbeing supports and programs at McMaster, please visit the Okanagan Charter website.
Crisis Resources
- COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team)
- Offers over the phone and mobile support for individuals experiencing crisis related to mental health or addictions
- 905-972-8338 or toll-free 1-844-972-8338
- Good 2 Talk
- Post-Secondary Student Helpline
- 1-866-925-5454
- Talk 4 Healing
- Over the phone counselling via talk or text for Indigenous women available in many Indigenous languages
- 1 855 554 HEAL
- Hope for Wellness
- Over the phone counselling service for Indigenous people
- Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat
- Good Shepherd Barrett Centre
- Offers crisis counselling and short term stays for individuals experiencing mental health crises that do not require hospitalization
- 24 Hour Crisis Line: 905.529.7878 (Toll Free 1.844.777.3571)
- Joseph’s Mental Health Emergency
- For mental health crises that require immediate attention
- Located at 50 Charlton Avenue East Hamilton, Ontario L8N 4A6 or call 911
- SACHA (Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton)
- 24 hour support line, counselling services, diverse communities outreach and community education
- Support line 905-525-4162
- Other inquiries 905-525-4573
- Sexual Violence Prevention and Response at McMaster
- Support for survivors of sexual or gender-based violence on campus
- Contact Natalie Lafleur, email: lafleurn@mcmaster.ca
McMaster Mental Health Resources
- Student Wellness Centre (PGCLL – 210)
- Student clinic that provides medical appointments, additional counselling services as well as therapeutic groups, Student Wellness Education programs and more
- Sexual Violence Prevention and Response at McMaster
- Support for survivors of sexual or gender-based violence on campus
- Contact Natalie Lafleur, email: lafleurn@mcmaster.ca
- MSU Student Assistance Program Counselling
- If you opted “in” for health and dental benefits
- Undergraduate students can call 1-877-390-7325 or realcampus.ca/mcmaster
- Graduate students can contact 1-844-741-6389 or visit the Graduate Students Association Empower Me page
- Student Accessibility Services
- Accessibility and accommodation needs related to your studies
- Equity and Inclusion Office
- Responds to concerns of equity and inclusions within the university
- MSU Maccess
- Peer support and programming geared to students who identify with having a disability
- Joseph’s Youth Wellness
- Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s Youth Wellness Centre is a safe, accessible environment for young people age 17 to 25 to receive expert mental health and substance use care by self-referral
- Call 905-522-1155 to self-refer or for more information visit St. Joseph’s Youth Wellness Centre
- Ontario Native Women’s Association
- ONWA has various support services in the Hamilton area including a “Trauma Informed Worker” who provides crisis and support services, accompaniment, advocacy
- Call 289-244-8050 to self-refer
- De Dwa Da Dehs Nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre
- Full service clinic and community health centre that offers primary care, mental health support, community programs, traditional healing program and more
- Call 905) 544-4320 or for more information visit the Aboriginal Health Centre website
- Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
- Hamilton friendship centre that offers various supportive and community services for urban Indigenous folks
- Call 905- 548-9593 or for more information visit the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre website
- Mental Health Counselling through First Nations and Inuit NIHB program
- Indigenous people with “status” can access private mental health counselling through an approved provider
- For more information visit the Government of Canada’s Mental health counselling benefits page
- Visit Metis Women’s Circle for information on upcoming events and programs