Our transition program is designed to set you up for success in university
- Receive a $500 bursary for participating in the summer portion of the program.
- Receive 3.0 units of university elective credit towards your degree for participating in the Fall course (participation in the Summer program not required).
- Learn key skills like reading academic articles, taking notes, writing essays and studying for exams, with emphasis on cultural teachings.
- Attend well-being workshops on health and stress management.
- Participate in cultural activities like lacrosse, storytelling, drumming, dancing, beading and quill work.
- Get to know the campus and Indigenous community organizations through guided tours.
- Make connections with the Elders-in-Residence.
The Gaǫdadęihwahni:ya:s Transition Program is intended for Indigenous students at McMaster University
This includes the following:
- Self-identifying (no ancestry verification needed)
- Incoming fall students
- Second- and third-year students requiring additional support
- High school graduates
- Mature students
- Transfer students
- 2+2 Indigenous Pathways Students (Mohawk College, Lambton College and Six Nations Polytechnic)
Summer Transition Program: August 18 to 29, 2025
Relationship-building workshops
- Meet-and-greet with staff, faculty and mentors
- Campus tour
- Tour of Hamilton and Indigenous organizations
- Library services tour
- Meeting Indigenous offices on campus
- Sharing student experiences
Cultural workshops
- Beading and tufting
- Medicine pouch workshop
- Drum making and teachings
- Smudging and traditional medicine protocols
- Creating ribbon skirts and shirts workshop
- Language learning workshop
- Lacrosse workshop
Health and well-being workshops
- Cooking on a budget
- Scholarships and bursaries through AwardSpring
- Stress and time management workshop
Academic workshops
- Mosaic and Avenue to Learn
- Course selection
- Meeting with academic advisors
Fall 2025 Elective Course: INDIGST 1G03
Academic and transition support
- Reading with intention
- Developing outlines and ideas for papers
- Writing papers
- Citation styles
- Note-taking
- Testing and study tips and support
- Time management and maintaining balance
- Studying for tests and exams
- One-on-one check-ins with the transition coordinator, wellness counsellor and financial aid specialist for full, wrap-around supports
Cultural support
- Connecting with Elders-in-Residence
- Traditional teachings and knowledge sharing
- Traditional Medicine teachings
- Drum teachings and song sharing
- Ceremony
- Fire and water teachings
- Cooking
Register now! Applications open as of February 15, 2025
Complete the short application form to get started.
Have questions?
Feel free to contact Rebecca Seles, Indigenous Transition Program Coordinator (indigstp@mcmaster.ca).
About the program name
Our team is very grateful and would like to thank Renae Hill Mohawk Nation Turtle Clan from Six Nations of the Grand River, who consulted with naming our program. Renae is a program manager and instructor at Dwadewayęhstaˀ Gayogoho:nǫˀ. Renae is a second language learner, who had the privilege of learning from the late Marjorie Henry, Frances Froman, and many others.
Renae has a passion of learning and sharing Cayuga with others. She believes that learning the language is greater than learning vocabulary; that Haudenosaunee languages are intrinsically connected with all Haudenosaunee languages and history.
Through consultation, our team described the intention of supporting incoming Indigenous students with academic skill development, exposure to cultural activities, knowledge, and relations through mentorship while maintaining balance and being mindful of health and wellbeing. Renae Hill has generously provided our team with the name “Gaǫdadęihwahni:ya:s Transition Program,” a Cayuga explanation of the concept, “they are strengthening their knowledge.”
About the program logo

In the centre [of the logo], you’ll see three diverse Indigenous individuals, arms linked and walking together. Gaodadeihwahni:ya:s offers incoming Indigenous students from communities across Canada, wrap-around supports that help guide each unique individual on their path to personal and academic success within a holistic framework. ISS has made me feel I am not alone on my journey to a better future; whether it’s academic advice or a much-needed smudge, the whole ISS community is dedicated to making each Indigenous student feel fully supported on their path. — Justice Ryan