Co-operative of Indigenous Studies Students and Alumni (C.I.S.S.A.)
The C.I.S.S.A.’s mission is to foster student well-being and build a thriving, connected community. They are dedicated to creating a supportive environment for Indigenous students, enhancing services and reinforcing the bonds between students, alumni and broader communities.
They offer weekly programming partnered with Indigenous Student Services.
- Instagram: @cissaatmac
- Email:
McMaster Chapter of American Indian Science and Engineering Society (McMaster AISES)
AISES is focused on outreach, support and career development for Indigenous students in STEM at McMaster. They aim to increase the number of Indigenous students pursuing STEM fields by engaging with youth to foster an interest in STEM, making an inclusive community and supporting students through all levels of their education.
- Instagram: @mcmasteraises
- Email:
McMaster Indigenous Graduate Students (MIGS)
McMaster Indigenous Graduate Students (MIGS) is a collective of McMaster Indigenous students at the graduate level. Stay tuned to their channels for more information on collaborative writing sessions, events and more.
- Instagram: @macindigenousgradstudents
- Email:
McMaster Indigenous Health Movement (IHM)
The Indigenous Health Movement (IHM) is an interdisciplinary, student-run club providing opportunities for students to learn about topics related to Indigenous health and well-being. Their activities involve planning and executing speaker events and community learning workshops. These workshops are guided by Indigenous voices and planned by a team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students who work to educate and engage McMaster students, faculty and community members.
- Instagram: @mcmasterihm
- Email:
Indigenous Student-Athlete Council
The Indigenous Student-Athlete Council is the collective voice of student-athletes who identify as Indigenous. The council was founded in 2023 to build a community for Indigenous Student-Athletes at McMaster, increase Indigenous representation in sport, and provide a platform for student-athletes to advocate on behalf of and represent the interests of all Indigenous student-athletes with administration.
- Instagram: @mcaster.isac
- Email: